Pix Bradesco

Pix is a project of the Brazilian Central Bank to set up an instant payment method in all financial institutions. Based on experience manuals released by the Central Bank throughout 2020, participating institutions adapted to implement and launch the service in November.

The payment or transfer that until then was made by different means with various taxes and restrictions could now be made with Pix via mobile or desktop. Users would transfer or pay free of charge with QR Code, registered account number, or identification keys.

Screenshots of the introductory interface of Pix, divided into three optional steps

We had four teams working on this operation, two on the desktop and the other two on the app. I was in one of the desktop teams, and we collaborated with the mobile teams all the time to try to have the most seamless experience possible.

It was a real UX race for every institution participating in this implementation. The business rules kept changing from one month to another, and new UX scenarios appeared. For us in Bradesco, it was particularly challenging since we designers didn’t know the bank developers; Therefore, we had to present a thorough handoff documentation.

Screenshots of the Pix dashboard in an empty state and a page of notifications

To this day, I document my design systems as if I had no contact with the developer, ensuring I cover all the details. It worked back then, and it continues to work nowadays.

Screenshots of a phone input component and its documentation

Since its launching in late 2020, Pix has become Brazil’s most common payment method for individuals and legal entities, including establishments and online sales.